Source code for deepforest.main

# entry point for deepforest model
import os
import pandas as pd
from skimage import io
import torch

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from torch import optim

from deepforest import utilities
from deepforest import dataset
from deepforest import get_data
from deepforest import model
from deepforest import predict
from deepforest import evaluate as evaluate_iou

[docs]class deepforest(pl.LightningModule): """Class for training and predicting tree crowns in RGB images """ def __init__(self, num_classes=1, label_dict = {"Tree":0}): """ Args: num_classes (int): number of classes in the model Returns: self: a deepforest pytorch ligthning module """ super().__init__() # Read config file - if a config file exists in local dir use it, # if not use installed. if os.path.exists("deepforest_config.yml"): config_path = "deepforest_config.yml" else: try: config_path = get_data("deepforest_config.yml") except Exception as e: raise ValueError( "No deepforest_config.yml found either in local " "directory or in installed package location. {}".format(e)) print("Reading config file: {}".format(config_path)) self.config = utilities.read_config(config_path) # release version id to flag if release is being used self.__release_version__ = None self.num_classes = num_classes self.create_model() #Label encoder and decoder if not len(label_dict) == num_classes: raise ValueError("label_dict {} does not match requested number of classes {}, please supply a label_dict argument {'label1':0, 'label2':1, 'label3':2 ... etc} for each label in the dataset".format(label_dict, num_classes)) self.label_dict = label_dict self.numeric_to_label_dict = {v: k for k, v in label_dict.items()}
[docs] def use_release(self): """Use the latest DeepForest model release from github and load model. Optionally download if release doesn't exist. Returns: model (object): A trained keras model """ # Download latest model from github release release_tag, self.release_state_dict = utilities.use_release() self.model.load_state_dict( torch.load(self.release_state_dict, map_location=self.device)) # load saved model and tag release self.__release_version__ = release_tag print("Loading pre-built model: {}".format(release_tag))
[docs] def create_model(self): """Define a deepforest retinanet architecture""" self.model = model.create_model(self.num_classes, self.config["nms_thresh"], self.config["score_thresh"])
[docs] def create_trainer(self, logger=None, callbacks=None, **kwargs): """Create a pytorch ligthning training by reading config files Args: callbacks (list): a list of pytorch-lightning callback classes """ self.trainer = pl.Trainer(logger=logger, max_epochs=self.config["train"]["epochs"], gpus=self.config["gpus"], checkpoint_callback=False, distributed_backend=self.config["distributed_backend"], fast_dev_run=self.config["train"]["fast_dev_run"], callbacks=callbacks, **kwargs)
[docs] def save_model(self, path): """ Save the trainer checkpoint in user defined path, in order to access in future Args: Path: the path located the model checkpoint """ self.trainer.save_checkpoint(path)
[docs] def load_dataset(self, csv_file, root_dir=None, augment=False, shuffle=True, batch_size=1): """Create a tree dataset for inference Csv file format is .csv file with the columns "image_path", "xmin","ymin","xmax","ymax" for the image name and bounding box position. Image_path is the relative filename, not absolute path, which is in the root_dir directory. One bounding box per line. Args: csv_file: path to csv file root_dir: directory of images. If none, uses "image_dir" in config augment: Whether to create a training dataset, this activates data augmentations Returns: ds: a pytorch dataset """ ds = dataset.TreeDataset(csv_file=csv_file, root_dir=root_dir, transforms=dataset.get_transform(augment=augment), label_dict=self.label_dict) data_loader = ds, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, collate_fn=utilities.collate_fn, num_workers=self.config["workers"], ) return data_loader
[docs] def train_dataloader(self): """ Train loader using the configurations Returns: loader """ loader = self.load_dataset(csv_file=self.config["train"]["csv_file"], root_dir=self.config["train"]["root_dir"], augment=True, shuffle=True, batch_size=self.config["batch_size"]) return loader
[docs] def val_dataloader(self): """ Create a val data loader only if specified in config Returns: loader or None """ loader = None if self.config["validation"]["csv_file"] is not None: loader = self.load_dataset(csv_file=self.config["validation"]["csv_file"], root_dir=self.config["validation"]["root_dir"], augment=False, shuffle=False, batch_size=self.config["batch_size"]) return loader
[docs] def predict_image(self, image=None, path=None, return_plot=False): """Predict an image with a deepforest model Args: image: a numpy array of a RGB image ranged from 0-255 path: optional path to read image from disk instead of passing image arg return_plot: Return image with plotted detections Returns: boxes: A pandas dataframe of predictions (Default) img: The input with predictions overlaid (Optional) """ if isinstance(image, str): raise ValueError( "Path provided instead of image. If you want to predict an image from disk, is path =" ) if path: if not isinstance(path, str): raise ValueError("Path expects a string path to image on disk") image = io.imread(path) # Load on GPU is available if torch.cuda.is_available: self.model.eval() # Check if GPU is available and pass image to gpu result = predict.predict_image(model=self.model, image=image, return_plot=return_plot, device=self.device, iou_threshold=self.config["nms_thresh"]) #Set labels to character from numeric if returning boxes df if not return_plot: if not result is None: result["label"] = result.label.apply(lambda x: self.numeric_to_label_dict[x]) return result
[docs] def predict_file(self, csv_file, root_dir, savedir=None): """Create a dataset and predict entire annotation file Csv file format is .csv file with the columns "image_path", "xmin","ymin","xmax","ymax" for the image name and bounding box position. Image_path is the relative filename, not absolute path, which is in the root_dir directory. One bounding box per line. Args: csv_file: path to csv file root_dir: directory of images. If none, uses "image_dir" in config savedir: Optional. Directory to save image plots. Returns: df: pandas dataframe with bounding boxes, label and scores for each image in the csv file """ self.model.eval() result = predict.predict_file(model=self.model, csv_file=csv_file, root_dir=root_dir, savedir=savedir, device=self.device, iou_threshold=self.config["nms_thresh"]) #Set labels to character from numeric result["label"] = result.label.apply(lambda x: self.numeric_to_label_dict[x]) return result
[docs] def predict_tile(self, raster_path=None, image=None, patch_size=400, patch_overlap=0.05, iou_threshold=0.15, return_plot=False, use_soft_nms=False, sigma=0.5, thresh=0.001): """For images too large to input into the model, predict_tile cuts the image into overlapping windows, predicts trees on each window and reassambles into a single array. Args: raster_path: Path to image on disk image (array): Numpy image array in BGR channel order following openCV convention patch_size: patch size default400, patch_overlap: patch overlap default 0.15, iou_threshold: Minimum iou overlap among predictions between windows to be suppressed. Defaults to 0.5. Lower values suppress more boxes at edges. return_plot: Should the image be returned with the predictions drawn? use_soft_nms: whether to perform Gaussian Soft NMS or not, if false, default perform NMS. sigma: variance of Gaussian function used in Gaussian Soft NMS thresh: the score thresh used to filter bboxes after soft-nms performed Returns: boxes (array): if return_plot, an image. Otherwise a numpy array of predicted bounding boxes, scores and labels """ self.model.eval() result = predict.predict_tile(model=self.model, raster_path=raster_path, image=image, patch_size=patch_size, patch_overlap=patch_overlap, iou_threshold=iou_threshold, return_plot=return_plot, use_soft_nms=use_soft_nms, sigma=sigma, thresh=thresh, device=self.device) #edge case, if no boxes predictioned return None if result is None: print("No predictions made, returning None") return None #Set labels to character from numeric if returning boxes df if not return_plot: result["label"] = result.label.apply(lambda x: self.numeric_to_label_dict[x]) return result
[docs] def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """Train on a loaded dataset """ path, images, targets = batch loss_dict = self.model.forward(images, targets) # sum of regression and classification loss losses = sum([loss for loss in loss_dict.values()]) return losses
[docs] def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """Train on a loaded dataset """ path, images, targets = batch self.model.train() loss_dict = self.model.forward(images, targets) # sum of regression and classification loss losses = sum([loss for loss in loss_dict.values()]) # Log loss for key, value in loss_dict.items(): self.log("val_{}".format(key), value, on_epoch=True) return losses
[docs] def validation_end(self, outputs): avg_loss = torch.stack([x['val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() comet_logs = {'val_loss': avg_loss} return {'avg_val_loss': avg_loss, 'log': comet_logs}
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self): self.optimizer = optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.config["train"]["lr"], momentum=0.9) self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(self.optimizer, mode='min', factor=0.1, patience=10, verbose=True, threshold=0.0001, threshold_mode='rel', cooldown=0, min_lr=0, eps=1e-08) return self.optimizer
[docs] def evaluate(self, csv_file, root_dir, iou_threshold=None, show_plot=False, savedir=None): """Compute intersection-over-union and precision/recall for a given iou_threshold Args: df: a pandas-type dataframe (geopandas is fine) with columns "name","xmin","ymin","xmax","ymax","label", each box in a row root_dir: location of files in the dataframe 'name' column. iou_threshold: float [0,1] intersection-over-union union between annotation and prediction to be scored true positive show_plot: open a blocking matplotlib window to show plot and annotations, useful for debugging. savedir: optional path dir to save evaluation images Returns: results: dict of ("results", "precision", "recall") for a given threshold """ self.model.eval() if not self.device.type == "cpu": self.model = predictions = predict.predict_file(model=self.model, csv_file=csv_file, root_dir=root_dir, savedir=savedir, device=self.device, iou_threshold=self.config["nms_thresh"]) predictions["label"] = predictions.label.apply(lambda x: self.numeric_to_label_dict[x]) ground_df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) # if no arg for iou_threshold, set as config if iou_threshold is None: iou_threshold = self.config["validation"]["iou_threshold"] results = evaluate_iou.evaluate(predictions=predictions, ground_df=ground_df, root_dir=root_dir, iou_threshold=iou_threshold, show_plot=show_plot) return results